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LE JOUR NOUVEAU Still 2small

Tara & Razieh GOUDARZI - Iran |

Light is sign of beauty and tranquility

We are together and we can be anywhere 


Video | 2016 | France & Iran | 5’01’’ | Color | Stereo | 16:9 | HD

Light is sign of beauty and tranquility
We are together and
We can be anywhere
Light and dark contrast of peace and war

and the conflict has different symbols for different people.

Videos "The New Day” and “Give & Take" had come to the view that the appearances of the two countries, France and Iran.


When you are not living alone,
the process starts of taking and to giving
Giving whatever you have
And the need takes whatever comes
The end of the work associated
with the explosion of light
And this is a sign of the mindset that has experienced
many times of revolution and war.
Explosion remembers fear
and light is sign of beauty and tranquility
And we have passed them both together
And we have them in front of us.


Tara & Razieh GOUDARZI


ARTA Contemporary Art Institute |

‘Dans l'obscurité

Les lumières dansent


La nuit noire avale
Les cagoules vacillantes


Nous sommes ensemble et

Nous pouvons être n’importe où


Dans l'obscurité

Je suis à nouveau avec vous


Autour du feu

En attendant le jour nouveau’




Arrangement musical d’après ‘Gavotte Pourlet’

| Danse bretonne folklorique traditionnelle


Gilivanka KEDZIOR & Barbara FRIEDMAN

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