Performance | 2016 | 25'
NORTH NORTH EAST, SOUTH SOUTH WEST & 360° - 3rd Berlin International Performance Art Weekend - Cell63 meets APAB Association for Performance Art-Berlin, Cell63 Gallery, Berlin, Germany
| Gallery director : Luisa CATUCCI | Curators : Dagmar GLAUSNITZER-SMITH & Dirk THORWARTH
Photos | Freymann&Heinrich, Anniken WEBER & Marta LODOLA
2 black outfits
2 red dog collars
450 cm of red double faced satin ribbon | 2-1/4" width
5 metal clothes hangers
5 female secondhand outfits
20 safety pins
1 suitcase
2 tenues noires
2 colliers rouges pour chiots
450 cm de ruban de satin rouge double-face | largeur 5,72 cm
5 cintres en métal
5 tenues de femme d’occasion
20 épingles à nourrice
1 valise
Tremograph (Medical Term) :
An apparatus for making a graphic record of a tremor.
[L. tremor, a shaking, + G. graphō, to write]
Trémographe (Médecine) :
Appareil enregistrant les tremblements corporels.
[L. tremor, tremblement, + G. graphō, écrire]